

Where:  Christ Church Colne

When: Tuesdays from 6pm

Contact: Sandra on 07958468567

There have been Brownies at Christ Church for 90 years.

 4th Colne ( Christ Church) meet in church on Tuesdays from 6pm until 7:30pm during term time.

Sandra Tetley is the Brownie Leader, a job she has had for over 40 years! Sandra is the main point of contact and can be reached on: 07958468567.

The meetings on Tuesday evenings are lively and fun gatherings with a wide range of activities on offer. Christ Church Brownies love doing crafts, having trips out, playing games , doing treasure hunts and of course, gaining badges. Sandra says that the Brownies like making a mess but are GCUs... good clearer uppers and WWs...Willing workers.

If you’d like your daughter to become involved please contact Sandra or have a look at the girl guiding website.