Christ Church Crafters
Where: Christ Church Colne
When: Thursday's from 6.30pm
Contact: Annie on 07969381841
An article by Annie Constable
Nine years ago my daughter, Catherine, and I learned how to crochet. This was at the same period of time when I joined Laneshawbridge Parish Council. During one of our meetings I found out that the village chapel was on the brink of closure. No-one was using the building as the congregation had dwindled down to just a few worshippers. We needed to start some clubs and get villagers using the building. We started a “Meet your councillors” coffee morning and Catherine and I started “Crafty Briggers” We advertised in the Colne Times and posted flyers through doors. We met fortnightly and our group grew and grew. Eventually, and very sadly, the chapel had to close and our group became homeless.
Happily one of our ladies was a steward at the cricket club and we met there a few times but knew this wasn’t a permanent arrangement. We then asked whether we could meet at Christ Church and we were welcomed with open arms! So from sitting in the chapel all those years ago with buckets on the floor where the rain leaked in, we now have lovely Christ Church as our base.
We meet weekly on Thursday and at our busiest have 20+ members. There are sewing machines and an overlocker from the lottery fund available to use. Our ages range from 10 up to 91 years young. We knit “twiddle muffs” for Alzheimer patients, crochet “Octopuses” for premature babies, and make Christmas articles for charity. Some of our ladies just come to chat and draw.
We have become more than “Crafty Briggers” we are very much friends. I look forward to our weekly meetings to share our ideas and skills and sometimes just to talk about our week and I hope we go on for another nine years.
Please feel free to come along any Thursday evening from 6.30pm – 9.00pm you will be made very welcome.

Twiddle Muffs made for Alzheimer patients