Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals and Services
The Church of England aims to be ‘A Christian Presence in every community.’ It is one of the great privileges of the Church to accompany, support, and bless people at some of the most intimate moments of their lives, whether moments of great celebration, or moments of deep sadness and loss.
Christ Church is part of the Church of England. As such, we offer baptisms, weddings, and funerals to people who live within the parish, or who attend Christ Church, or have another ‘Qualifying Connection’ to the Church.
If you would like to enquire about having a baptism, wedding or funeral at Christ Church please contact Revd. Andy Froud on (01282) 859956 or via the website here.
Our Services
Worship at Christ Church is a work in progress as we begin to develop services that incorporate the richness of traditional liturgy and also meet the needs of new and different congregations. We aim to include popular hymns old and new, contemporary music and children’s songs while also working to create service times and models, which reflect changing life styles. Holy communion is a central part to our services. We enjoy coffee, community and time to talk.